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Climate Solutions, Inc. Blog

What Are My Options for AC Installation?

If it’s time for a new air conditioner, you want to know all of your options so that you can make the best decision possible. After all, the average lifespan of an air conditioner is about 15 years, so it’s a decision that you will have to live with for years to come.

Our team can help you with AC service in Campbell County, WY. We are the AC experts in the area and we can help you with everything from choosing a unit to installation and even maintenance and repairs over the life of the system. You can keep reading to learn more about the different types of air conditioners and the pros and cons of each one.

Central AC

Central air conditioners are what most homeowners are familiar with. They have been the standard for many decades. Even as technology changes and more options become available, a majority of homes still have central air conditioners. A central AC unit blows air into your home using ductwork that has air vents located in each room.

Ideally, your ductwork is set up efficiently so that each room of your home receives even cooling. Central air conditioners get a bad rap for being less energy efficient because of potential ductwork problems, but technology has advanced so much that they are now very comparable to other types of air conditioners when it comes to efficiency.

Ductless Mini Split

A ductless mini split unit is unique because it does not use a system of ductwork at all. Instead, you have a small individual air conditioner located in each room of your home. Ductless mini split units can be twice as efficient as other types of air conditioners, meaning that you can save hundreds of dollars per year on your energy bills. However, they also come with higher homeowner maintenance expectations. You should only invest in this type of air conditioner if you are ready to keep up with the monthly maintenance on each individual unit.

Heat Pump

A heat pump is unique because it transfers energy into and out of the air. In the summer it transfers heat out of the air and away from your home. In the winter it draws heat in from outside and mixes it with the air in your home to warm it up. A heat pump does use refrigerant to achieve this, but still works uniquely compared to a traditional central air conditioning unit. Heat pumps are known for being very energy efficient and offer the added benefit of offering heating and cooling all in one.


Geothermal air conditioning is a system that transfers energy similar to how a heat pump works. But, instead of using the air, you have a network of conductors underground that transfer heat and cooling from the earth. During the summer, heat gets transferred away from your home underground. During the winter, warmth from the earth gets transferred into your home. Geothermal units are very energy efficient, but since they require being underground, there are limitations to where we can install them.

Schedule an appointment with the team at Climate Solutions, Inc. today. The trusted source for all your heating and cooling needs.

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