Climate Solutions, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning installation’

Prepare Your Home and Family Ahead of an AC Replacement

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Choosing a new air conditioning system is a stressful process, but installation day doesn’t have to be. By knowing what to expect and preparing for air conditioning replacement in Campbell County, WY, the process is a relatively easy and simple one. The most important day in the life of an HVAC system is the day it’s installed and a smooth installation process is part of that success. Let’s go over 5 things you can do to prepare your home for AC installation that will make the process seamless and stress-free.

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Tips for Selecting an AC Replacement

Monday, May 6th, 2024

When it’s time to replace your existing air conditioner with a newer model, you have a wide variety of options. You can keep reading to learn more about central air conditioners, central heat pumps, and even ductless mini splits so you can decide which one is right for your home and family.

Then, when you’re ready you can give our team a call to schedule your air conditioning replacement in Campbell County, WY. We are here to help you every step of the way, including helping you select the model that will best fit your unique needs.

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Should I Get a Heat Pump or Central AC?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

When it’s time to install a new cooling system for your home, you may be deciding between a heat pump or a central air conditioner. Each one has its own pros and cons. You want to be sure and make the right decision because it’s one you have to live with for the next 10 to 15 years, which is the average lifespan for both central air conditioners and heat pumps.

You can keep reading to learn more about cooling your home with a central air conditioner versus a heat pump. Then give our team a call to schedule your heat pump or central air conditioning installation in Campbell County, WY. If you’re still on the fence about which one is the best solution for your home, our team is here to help you make that decision.

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Can A Ductless Mini Split Handle the Wyoming Winter?

Monday, September 11th, 2023

If you’re considering investing in a ductless mini split, you may be wondering if these systems can keep up with the extremely cold conditions we see here in Wyoming. The short answer is, yes. A ductless mini split can handle heating your home. If you have any concerns about the level of heating provided, there are some ways that we can help.

You can keep reading to learn more about ductless mini splits in Campbell County, WY. We can offer you an in-home assessment and review how a ductless mini split would be set up in your home and how it would operate. We can also offer feedback about heating with the systems so you understand how they work.

How Does a Ductless Mini Split Work?

A ductless mini split unit uses a heat pump system for heating and cooling your home. This means that it cycles refrigerant in one direction when you have your air conditioner set on cooling and removes heat from your home. When you set your ductless mini split to heating, the refrigerant reverses directions and begins to bring heat into your home instead. 

A ductless mini split is completely unique from any other type of air conditioner or heater. In addition to the way it operates, a ductless mini split also has multiple small units that are stationed around your home and connect to one single central outdoor unit. You can set individual temperatures for each room or zone of your home where a mini split is installed. 

Heating Benefits

Other heater options rely on combustion-based heating or heating elements. With combustion, the gas furnace uses an open flame to create hot air to blow into your home, which poses a small risk of fire or gas leaks. Even electrical heating elements are less safe than a heat pump.

The extreme temperatures created by these elements to warm the air pose similar fire hazards. A heat pump doesn’t have the same risk factors. With a heat pump, heat is transferred instead of created so you don’t have the worry as much about the system overheating or causing a fire. 

Plus, heat pumps are more efficient at creating heat. Heaters that use combustion or heating elements use up a lot of energy in those processes. Transferring heat through the refrigerant lines of a heat pump uses less energy, so your energy costs may be lower. Plus, the reduced demand on the system eliminates some strain. This can extend the life of your heat pump since it doesn’t have to work as hard to produce results.

Heating Downsides

Of course, like everything else, a heat pump does have some negatives. When it is extremely cold outside, especially for a long period of time, a heat pump may not be able to keep up with warming your home as efficiently as you want it to.

If you find that this is a problem for your family, you can give us a call and we can install a small add-on furnace that can provide backup heating to complement your heat pump. It’s a service that we complete for many homeowners in the area.

Schedule an appointment with the team at Climate Solutions, Inc. The trusted source for all your heating and cooling needs.

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Central AC SEER2 Ratings and What They Mean

Monday, August 28th, 2023

If it’s time to replace the air conditioner in your home, you may be wondering about the different energy-efficiency ratings. How do you choose an air conditioner that fits your family’s needs? The bottom line is, choosing the most efficient unit possible will serve you best in the long term.

You can keep reading to learn more about your options for air conditioning replacement in Campbell County, WI. Then give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment. You can also keep reading to learn more about SEER2 ratings and what they mean for your home and family.

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Why Central ACs are Tried and True Systems

Monday, July 17th, 2023

Most homes come standard with a central air conditioner. Even though there are a variety of heating and cooling options available, a central air conditioner really is the gold standard. If you want to learn more about why central air conditioners are so popular, you can keep reading to learn more. 

Then, when you’re ready for a new unit you can give our team a call for central air installation in Campbell County, WY. We can help you choose the best central AC for your home and family, starting with an in-home assessment to go over your options with you.

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What Are My Options for AC Installation?

Monday, June 19th, 2023

If it’s time for a new air conditioner, you want to know all of your options so that you can make the best decision possible. After all, the average lifespan of an air conditioner is about 15 years, so it’s a decision that you will have to live with for years to come.

Our team can help you with AC service in Campbell County, WY. We are the AC experts in the area and we can help you with everything from choosing a unit to installation and even maintenance and repairs over the life of the system. You can keep reading to learn more about the different types of air conditioners and the pros and cons of each one.

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How Heat Pumps Supply Both Heating and Cooling

Monday, June 5th, 2023

When it’s time to install a new air conditioner in your home, you may be shopping around for the best option. Heat pumps are increasing in popularity for a variety of reasons. If you are interested in heat pump installation in Campbell County, WY, our team is here to help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about how a heat pump system works and the benefits of investing in this type of system.

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How Mini Splits Are A Home Climate Solution

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

If it’s time to install a new air conditioner in your home, a ductless mini split is a great option. It’s an investment in your comfort year-round, and offers a wide variety of benefits over a more traditional forced air cooling system.

If you’re interested in learning more about how a ductless mini split works, keep reading. Then give us a call for air conditioning installation in Campbell County, WY. Whether you want a ductless mini split or another AC option, our team can help you select the unit that is best for your family’s individual needs. 

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5 Reasons You May Want To Consider a Ductless AC

Monday, August 15th, 2022

A ductless air conditioner may be exactly what you need to get the best level of comfort you need for your home. If you haven’t considered the addition of a ductless HVAC unit for your home, then we’d love to tell you a bit more about what makes these systems unique and advantageous.

Ductless air conditioners can be a great fit for many homes. Here is why you may want to consider one for your next air conditioning installation in Upton, WY. If this system sounds like a great fit for you, make sure to come to our team to get your installation scheduled.

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