Climate Solutions, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

How to Tell Your Thermostat Is Causing Trouble

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Have you ever played a video game and had your controller start malfunctioning? You try to make your character jump and instead they run right into a pit! Having a faulty thermostat is something like that albeit less dangerous. You want to heat up the home without a high bill but instead, find the house is still chilly while your bills are higher than normal!

Having trouble with any part of your heating system can be bothersome and expensive. This is why we encourage you to address issues sooner than later as it will allow you to prevent money lost on increased energy bills. The key is figuring out what the source of your comfort trouble is.

Here are some of the indicators that will tell you if your thermostat is the part of your heating system that is creating trouble.

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Fun Ways to Keep Warm While Waiting For Repairs

Monday, February 14th, 2022

The repairman is on his way! But it may be some time yet before your heater is back in working order, even after they arrive. After all, the technicians at Climate Solutions are pros at what they do but it doesn’t mean we have super speed. Unfortunately, this means you might be without a running heater for a few hours while we get the issue fixed.

We know that the temperature is cold right now so being without heat isn’t a pleasant thought. But, just like we are here to help get things fixed, we want to help you stay as comfortable as possible until your heater is up and running again.

Here are some fun and easy ways to stay comfortable while you wait for your expert technician to complete that heating repair in Gillette, WY.

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5 Signs You Need Heater Repairs ASAP

Monday, January 17th, 2022

You don’t want to keep running a heating system that is struggling with a repair need. It may not always be the most obvious that you need a system repair though. It isn’t as if you can look inside the system and see every problem that it has.

If you need help with heater repairs in Gillette, WY it is best to reach out to a professional to get things working right. Our experts have the knowledge, tools, and skills to address any problem in your heater.

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4 Ways To Keep Your Heater Running Right All Winter

Monday, December 20th, 2021

The winter season in our part of the country is nothing to scoff at. Cold temperatures and snowfall can make for some picturesque days but they can also make it a challenge to stay comfortable. Thankfully, that’s where our heating systems can help us out. That is, they should be able to if they are well taken care of.

Yes, maintenance at the beginning of fall is the best way to prepare your heater for the long season of hard work ahead. But this doesn’t mean you should just ignore how your system is operating from there on out. Your heater still needs your attention to make sure it runs well throughout the coming months without too much trouble.

We want your heater to be as reliable as possible. With that in mind, we’ve provided some best practices that you can adopt to make sure your heater is well taken care of this season.

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Repair or Replace? Answering the Question Your Heater Has You Asking

Monday, December 6th, 2021

One thing is for sure: your heater is acting up. Maybe it is just too noisy or perhaps you are barely getting any heat to speak of. This definitely justifies a call to a professional technician for help but you aren’t sure what to call them for. Is this a fixable issue? Or should you just go straight for a replacement?

These are important questions to ask because repairs versus replacement are vastly different experiences. What’s more, you don’t want to waste your money going with the wrong choice! To help, we’ve provided a quick guide to help you differentiate between times when you need to have your heater repaired and when it is better to get a heating system replacement in Gillette.

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Get Expert Repairs If Your Heater Makes These 6 Noises

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

You are going about your day when your heater starts to rattle. It starts out in brief spurts and then becomes more consistent. After a few days, it gets louder and more pronounced. Then the rattling stops…because it has been replaced by clanging.

As you can guess, these are two noises you don’t want to hear coming from your heater. No heater runs silently but they shouldn’t make a ruckus either. Knowing what noises are normal and what noises are cause for concern can be a great way to determine if and when you should reach out for professional heating repairs in Gillette, WY.

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4 Safety Tips To Remember When Running Your Heater

Monday, November 8th, 2021

Modern heating systems are made to be as safe as possible. However, this doesn’t mean that they will always remain that way. Your heating system is built to run effectively, efficiently, and safely but it can become unsafe due to the stresses of age and regular usage. We tell you this not to worry you but to ensure that you are aware of what can happen with a system that is struggling.

Our goal is to make sure you can stay warm and safe throughout the coldest months of the year. Our heating services in Gillette, WY are able to keep your heater as safe as possible. However, it is best to do everything possible to keep your heater, your home, and your health, safe.

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4 Signs You Need a New Heater

Monday, October 25th, 2021

It is getting colder by the day and you know this for a fact because you can’t seem to heat the house. No matter how long you run your heater, it never seems to make a dent in your indoor temperatures. You are cold and rightfully frustrated. That heater is supposed to keep the home warm during this time of year so why isn’t it doing its job?

The truth is that you likely have a heater that simply isn’t capable of heating much of anything anymore. If that is the case, then you need to get a replacement for your heating system in Gillette, WY. Check for these warning signs that your heater is on its way out and then reach out to us to get started on your upgrade.

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Improve Your Comfort With an Upgraded Thermostat

Monday, October 11th, 2021

If your heater is the body of your HVAC system, then your thermostat is the brain. And without the brain, the body can’t really do much of anything!

An effective and reliable thermostat is necessary for getting the most from your heating system. And trust us when we say that any inadequacies with your thermostat that you are noticing now will become far more apparent as the months go on and the temperatures drop even further.

If you have a thermostat that is not operating properly it means it is time to invest in an upgrade. Let’s look at what the signs are that an upgrade is needed and what your options are for your next thermostat in Gillette, WY.

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4 Signs Your Furnace Needs Expert Help

Monday, September 27th, 2021

It may not feel like it during the day but temperatures are definitely starting to head south for the cooler months of the year. You are likely reminded of this whenever you step outside after the sun sets though! If you haven’t started already you were likely going to be using your furnace in the near future.

It is our hope that you have already knocked out maintenance for the system. Whether or not you have, you’ll want to be on the alert for any potential signs of trouble from your furnace. Whether you have a gas-powered furnace or an all-electric one, as your system ages, it’s going to encounter more repair needs. Whether this is your first repair or your third, you need to be able to get it addressed as promptly as possible. To do this you need to know what the warning signs are of a furnace repair in Gillette, WY. Here are the signs to know.

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